Dressing room conversation: a innovative way to raise women and youth’s voices in Lanzarote
The activity that has begun to develop on the island of Lanzarote is called Dressing room conversations. A didactic and innovative project since it is the first time that run something like that on the island.
Conversaciones de Camerino is a podcast devised, produced and carried out entirely by a
team of young people from the Canary Islands, mostly from the island of Lanzarote (smaller island), whose leader was one of the participants of the POWERS project. The project aims to give voice to vulnerable groups and in particular to youth and women. A
relaxed, outside the conventional interview format, where you can talk about the difficulties suffered and experiences in general, being able to lead to conclusions that help others. The project also prioritizes over the the most invisible artists due to social issues, since it mainly attends to
entrepreneurs from the most rural areas, from a non-capital island (such as Lanzarote) and/or
people with similar characteristics or difficulties.
The Colher project
In Portugal and Spain, it occurred the Workshop presentation with the methodology of the Colher project for the development of the human being and in particular addressing young women. Through the use of resources such as arts, meditation, coaching. In the cities of Seville, Ourique, Lisboa and Tavira, the workshops aimed to support self-reflection process, by starting from the questions: Where are you, how are you and which direction do you want to go? The aim was: Develop the dream and the ability to dream and manifest in matter; – Contact with the unconscious, limiting beliefs, the shadow, trauma and bring to light, pacify and integrate as a matter and resource to grow and love.
Videos to share women’s business experience in Calabria
Participants to the POWERS project from Italy realized a set of 4 interviews sharing the stories, the business models and the advice of 4 female entrepreneurs living in the region of Calabria, one of the poorest of the Italian peninsula.
The story of Anna Maria who through arts and theatre is raising local consciousness, of Francesca who from scratch created an innovative holistic beehouse, the story of Fernanda who through her job is to shake the local minds on some tabus such as the pelvic pavement and of Stefania Pratticò who reinvented herself doing a “male” job are available online on the aicem’s facebook page.
A scarf to raise awareness on women’s and human rights
Raising awareness was considered the main step to promote a more equal society, promoting inclusion and respect for women’s rights. This is the reason why the group from Italy decided to organize an activity of reflection on the topic of gender equality followed by an action to make the participants actors of change. The action to disseminate the odea for a more sustainable society started on 25th of November (the international day against women violence and continued for the following month. The activity consisted of a symbolic action through which participants could use a scarf and its concept of protection from cold to state our protection for women and human rights. Donating the scarfs was a powerful gesture to show how each one can make the difference.
In Senegal and in Italy a joint activity for supporting mothers
Italian and Senegalese participants decided to work together on raising awareness on the important topic of the basic care about newborn and the use of small instruments to support children’s case in a safe way, supporting both parents to contribute and not preventing mothers to work while they are mothers.
Training on practices and use of instruments such as pumps breast were important practices not only to reflect on the topics but also to contribute to put in practice tips which already started a changing process in the local area of Senegal during the project.
Social entrepreneurship in Senegal: introducing it through a workshop
In Ziguinchor, Senegalese participants of the project POWERS organized a few workshops to introduce the topic of social entrepreneurship in the area. The workshops gave the possibility to introduce the Business model canvas used during the training course in Ziguinchor and to explore deeply the UN SDGs and their possible connections with local activities.
The workshops gathered 25 participants and gave the opportunities to introduce to many local entrepreneurs the project POWERS.