POWERS: the new project on entrepreunership, women empowerment, sustainability and rights

The training Course “POWERS: Path for Women Empowerment, Rights and Sustainability”, co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union is realized by Modavi Onlus in collaboration with AICEM, ECOS, AJS, PFPC, ECAF.

The project aims to provide young women and socio-educational animators active in the promotion of equal opportunities entrepreneurial skills, encouraging their personal and professional growth, increasing their ability to contribute to the development of society. It will empower young women and youth workers in general with entrepreneurial competences favoring their personal and professional growth, enhancing their possibility to contribute to the development of the society.

Specific objectives of the project are to foster cooperation and exchanges in the field of youth between Italy, Portugal, Senegal and Spain and promote transnational non-formal learning mobility by involving young women and youth workers to improve their competences to plan, implement, manage and communicate their own business. 

The project started officially in 2020, but the pandemic situation has impacted also on the project, delaying the timeline and the way of organization. 

The project was supposed to start with a first part of an online training course followed by a residential part (in Ziguinchor) and a second online part. The initial training would have given to all the participants the possibility to gain competences and ideas for planning and implementing activities in the local reality. This inspirational training part would have been completed with a job shadowing experience in one of the countries involved. Subsequently participants, when they have returned to their local realities, should have to implement in their initiatives. Then, an evaluation meeting would have been done to present the local activities that will have been realized and to reflect together on the project path and its outcomes. 

The pandemic emergency led the organization to decide to start with the entire online phase (merging together the two online TC parts) and then deliver afterwards all the remaining phases as descripted above. 

Thanks to the organizations and the motivations of the participants, the experience will really be fruitful with an important impact on our reality.

Stay tuned to see what happens!!!

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