The project POWERS foresaw the opportunity for organizing different job shadowing experiences for all our participants, according to the connections of the partners and the interests of the participants.
Job shadowing was indeed a very crucial point for participants to get inspired and for receiving some inputs for their entrepreneurial ideas.
The experiences offered in the four countries were variegated. The first one was in Senegal where all the participants present to the training course could attend. In Ziguinchor, the POWERS team get to know the work and space of the PFPC, ECAF and USOFORAL, committed to women empowerment in the area and to support women leadership. Still in Ziguinchor the team visited Kulimaroo, a welcoming centre for women’ victims of violence who, in the centre, are supported from medical and psychological point of view but can also attend training course to acquire competence for supporting the centre by working.
The last meetings in Senegal, introduced to the participants to two local entrepreneurs: one producer of mango vinegar and one producer of green coal. The two entrepreneurs shared with the participants their business model.
Job shadowing continued in the Eu countries between May and September 2022, offering wide range of perspectives for the participants of the project.
In Portugal the group got to know the business model of Sardinha de Papel, developed by women of the area of faro with the idea to create new products with recycled papers and an NGO working on favoring women empowerment through local projects on communication.
In Spain, participants experiences went from knowing the work of the organizations in the area of Arenas the San Pedro to supporting the organization of cultural festival on sustainability to knowing local women producers of zero kilometers agricultural products.
In Italy, job shadowing allowed the participants to explore the relations between green, sustainability and women empowerment by meeting different models of business and to focus on the relations between business and communication.
In Calabria e Lazio, participants had the opportunity to visit the first holistic beehouse developed in the south of Italy, the green markets of Rome, the radio Clapper, focusing on ringing the bell on social rights according to local needs and few local realities interested to promote social entrepreneurship with women empowerment and sustainability.